<T>LAPACK 0.1.1
C++ Template Linear Algebra PACKage
No Matches
Collaboration diagram for Legacy LAPACK API.:


template<typename TA , typename TT >
int tlapack::legacy::geqr2 (idx_t m, idx_t n, TA *A, idx_t lda, TT *tau)
 Computes a QR factorization of a matrix A.
template<typename TA , typename TB >
void tlapack::legacy::lacpy (MatrixType matrixtype, idx_t m, idx_t n, const TA *A, idx_t lda, TB *B, idx_t ldb)
 Copies a real matrix from A to B where A is either a full, upper triangular or lower triangular matrix.
template<class norm_t , typename TA >
real_type< TAtlapack::legacy::lange (norm_t normType, idx_t m, idx_t n, const TA *A, idx_t lda)
 Calculates the value of the one norm, Frobenius norm, infinity norm, or element of largest absolute value.
template<class norm_t , typename TA >
real_type< TAtlapack::legacy::lanhe (norm_t normType, Uplo uplo, idx_t n, const TA *A, idx_t lda)
 Calculates the value of the one norm, Frobenius norm, infinity norm, or element of largest absolute value of a symmetric matrix.
template<class norm_t , typename TA >
real_type< TAtlapack::legacy::lansy (norm_t normType, Uplo uplo, idx_t n, const TA *A, idx_t lda)
 Calculates the value of the one norm, Frobenius norm, infinity norm, or element of largest absolute value of a symmetric matrix.
template<typename TA >
real_type< TAtlapack::legacy::lantr (Norm normType, Uplo uplo, Diag diag, idx_t m, idx_t n, const TA *A, idx_t lda)
 Calculates the value of the one norm, Frobenius norm, infinity norm, or element of largest absolute value of a triangular matrix.
template<class side_t , typename TV , typename TC >
void tlapack::legacy::larf (side_t side, idx_t m, idx_t n, TV const *v, int_t incv, scalar_type< TV, TC > tau, TC *C, idx_t ldC)
 Applies an elementary reflector H to a m-by-n matrix C.
template<class side_t , class trans_t , class direction_t , class storev_t , typename TV , typename TC >
int tlapack::legacy::larfb (side_t side, trans_t trans, direction_t direction, storev_t storev, idx_t m, idx_t n, idx_t k, TV const *V, idx_t ldv, TV const *T, idx_t ldt, TC *C, idx_t ldc)
 Applies a block reflector \(H\) or its conjugate transpose \(H^H\) to a m-by-n matrix C, from either the left or the right.
template<typename T >
void tlapack::legacy::larfg (idx_t n, T *alpha, T *x, int_t incx, T *tau)
 Generates a elementary Householder reflection.
template<class direction_t , class storev_t , typename scalar_t >
int tlapack::legacy::larft (direction_t direction, storev_t storev, idx_t n, idx_t k, const scalar_t *V, idx_t ldV, const scalar_t *tau, scalar_t *T, idx_t ldT)
 Forms the triangular factor T of a block reflector H of order n, which is defined as a product of k elementary reflectors.
template<typename T >
void tlapack::legacy::larnv (idx_t idist, idx_t *iseed, idx_t n, T *x)
 Returns a vector of n random numbers from a uniform or normal distribution.
template<class matrixtype_t , typename T >
int tlapack::legacy::lascl (matrixtype_t matrixtype, idx_t kl, idx_t ku, const real_type< T > &b, const real_type< T > &a, idx_t m, idx_t n, T *A, idx_t lda)
 Multiplies a matrix A by the real scalar a/b.
template<typename TA >
void tlapack::legacy::laset (MatrixType matrixtype, idx_t m, idx_t n, TA alpha, TA beta, TA *A, idx_t lda)
 Initializes a matrix to diagonal and off-diagonal values.
template<typename TX >
void tlapack::legacy::lassq (idx_t n, TX const *x, int_t incx, real_type< TX > &scl, real_type< TX > &sumsq)
 Updates a sum of squares represented in scaled form.
template<class uplo_t , typename T >
int tlapack::legacy::potrf (uplo_t uplo, idx_t n, T *A, idx_t lda)
 Computes the Cholesky factorization of a Hermitian positive definite matrix A using a blocked algorithm.
template<class uplo_t , typename T >
int tlapack::legacy::potrs (uplo_t uplo, idx_t n, idx_t nrhs, const T *A, idx_t lda, T *B, idx_t ldb)
 Apply the Cholesky factorization to solve a linear system.
template<typename TA , typename TT >
int tlapack::legacy::ung2r (idx_t m, idx_t n, idx_t k, TA *A, idx_t lda, const TT *tau)
 Generates a m-by-n matrix Q with orthogonal columns.
template<class side_t , class trans_t , typename TA , typename TC >
int tlapack::legacy::unm2r (side_t side, trans_t trans, idx_t m, idx_t n, idx_t k, TA *A, idx_t lda, const real_type< TA, TC > *tau, TC *C, idx_t ldc)
 Applies unitary matrix Q to a matrix C.
template<class side_t , class trans_t , typename TA , typename TC >
int tlapack::legacy::unmqr (side_t side, trans_t trans, idx_t m, idx_t n, idx_t k, TA const *A, idx_t lda, TA const *tau, TC *C, idx_t ldc)
 Multiplies the general m-by-n matrix C by Q from geqrf() using a blocked code as follows:

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

◆ geqr2()

template<typename TA , typename TT >
int tlapack::legacy::geqr2 ( idx_t  m,
idx_t  n,
idx_t  lda,
TT tau 

Computes a QR factorization of a matrix A.

[in]mThe number of rows of the matrix A.
[in]nThe number of columns of the matrix A.
[in,out]Am-by-n matrix. On exit, the elements on and above the diagonal of the array contain the min(m,n)-by-n upper trapezoidal matrix R (R is upper triangular if m >= n); the elements below the diagonal, with the array tau, represent the unitary matrix Q as a product of elementary reflectors.
[in]ldaThe leading dimension of A. lda >= max(1,m).
[out]tauReal vector of length min(m,n). The scalar factors of the elementary reflectors. The subarray tau[1:n-1] is used as the workspace.
See also
geqr2( matrix_t& A, vector_t &tau, vector_t &work )

◆ lacpy()

template<typename TA , typename TB >
void tlapack::legacy::lacpy ( MatrixType  matrixtype,
idx_t  m,
idx_t  n,
const TA A,
idx_t  lda,
idx_t  ldb 

Copies a real matrix from A to B where A is either a full, upper triangular or lower triangular matrix.

   'U': A is assumed to be upper triangular; elements below the
diagonal are not referenced. 'L': A is assumed to be lower triangular; elements above the diagonal are not referenced. otherwise, A is assumed to be a full matrix.
[in]mNumber of rows of A.
[in]nNumber of columns of A.
[in]Am-by-n matrix.
[in]ldaLeading dimension of A.
[out]BMatrix with at least m rows and at least n columns.
[in]ldbLeading dimension of B.
See also
lacpy( uplo_t, idx_t, idx_t, const TA*, idx_t, TB* B, idx_t )

◆ lange()

template<class norm_t , typename TA >
real_type< TA > tlapack::legacy::lange ( norm_t  normType,
idx_t  m,
idx_t  n,
const TA A,
idx_t  lda 

Calculates the value of the one norm, Frobenius norm, infinity norm, or element of largest absolute value.

Calculated norm value for the specified type.
normTypeType should be specified as follows:
Norm::Max = maximum absolute value over all elements in A.
    Note: this is not a consistent matrix norm.
Norm::One = one norm of the matrix A, the maximum value of the sums
of each column. Norm::Inf = the infinity norm of the matrix A, the maximum value of the sum of each row. Norm::Fro = the Frobenius norm of the matrix A. This the square root of the sum of the squares of each element in A.
mNumber of rows to be included in the norm. m >= 0
nNumber of columns to be included in the norm. n >= 0
Amatrix size m-by-n.
ldaColumn length of the matrix A. ldA >= m

◆ lanhe()

template<class norm_t , typename TA >
real_type< TA > tlapack::legacy::lanhe ( norm_t  normType,
Uplo  uplo,
idx_t  n,
const TA A,
idx_t  lda 

Calculates the value of the one norm, Frobenius norm, infinity norm, or element of largest absolute value of a symmetric matrix.

Calculated norm value for the specified type.
normTypeType should be specified as follows:
Norm::Max = maximum absolute value over all elements in A.
    Note: this is not a consistent matrix norm.
Norm::One = one norm of the matrix A, the maximum value of the sums
of each column. Norm::Inf = the infinity norm of the matrix A, the maximum value of the sum of each row. Norm::Fro = the Frobenius norm of the matrix A. This the square root of the sum of the squares of each element in A.
uploIndicates whether the symmetric matrix A is stored as upper triangular or lower triangular. The other strict triangular part of A is not referenced.
nNumber of columns to be included in the norm. n >= 0
Asymmetric matrix size lda-by-n.
ldaLeading dimension of matrix A. ldA >= m

◆ lansy()

template<class norm_t , typename TA >
real_type< TA > tlapack::legacy::lansy ( norm_t  normType,
Uplo  uplo,
idx_t  n,
const TA A,
idx_t  lda 

Calculates the value of the one norm, Frobenius norm, infinity norm, or element of largest absolute value of a symmetric matrix.

Calculated norm value for the specified type.
normTypeType should be specified as follows:
Norm::Max = maximum absolute value over all elements in A.
    Note: this is not a consistent matrix norm.
Norm::One = one norm of the matrix A, the maximum value of the sums
of each column. Norm::Inf = the infinity norm of the matrix A, the maximum value of the sum of each row. Norm::Fro = the Frobenius norm of the matrix A. This the square root of the sum of the squares of each element in A.
uploIndicates whether the symmetric matrix A is stored as upper triangular or lower triangular. The other triangular part of A is not referenced.
nNumber of columns to be included in the norm. n >= 0
Asymmetric matrix size lda-by-n.
ldaLeading dimension of matrix A. ldA >= m

◆ lantr()

template<typename TA >
real_type< TA > tlapack::legacy::lantr ( Norm  normType,
Uplo  uplo,
Diag  diag,
idx_t  m,
idx_t  n,
const TA A,
idx_t  lda 

Calculates the value of the one norm, Frobenius norm, infinity norm, or element of largest absolute value of a triangular matrix.

Calculated norm value for the specified type.
normTypeType should be specified as follows:
Norm::Max = maximum absolute value over all elements in A.
    Note: this is not a consistent matrix norm.
Norm::One = one norm of the matrix A, the maximum value of the sums
of each column. Norm::Inf = the infinity norm of the matrix A, the maximum value of the sum of each row. Norm::Fro = the Frobenius norm of the matrix A. This the square root of the sum of the squares of each element in A.
uploIndicates whether A is upper or lower triangular. The other strict triangular part of A is not referenced.
[in]diagWhether A has a unit or non-unit diagonal:
mNumber of rows to be included in the norm. m >= 0
nNumber of columns to be included in the norm. n >= 0
Asymmetric matrix size lda-by-n.
ldaLeading dimension of matrix A. ldA >= m

◆ larf()

template<class side_t , typename TV , typename TC >
void tlapack::legacy::larf ( side_t  side,
idx_t  m,
idx_t  n,
TV const v,
int_t  incv,
scalar_type< TV, TC tau,
idx_t  ldC 

Applies an elementary reflector H to a m-by-n matrix C.

See also
larf( Side side, idx_t m, idx_t n, TV const *v, int_t incv, scalar_type< TV, TC , TW > tau, TC *C, idx_t ldC, TW *work )

◆ larfb()

int tlapack::legacy::larfb ( side_t  side,
trans_t  trans,
direction_t  direction,
storev_t  storev,
idx_t  m,
idx_t  n,
idx_t  k,
TV const V,
idx_t  ldv,
TV const T,
idx_t  ldt,
idx_t  ldc 

Applies a block reflector \(H\) or its conjugate transpose \(H^H\) to a m-by-n matrix C, from either the left or the right.

  • Op::NoTrans: apply \(H \) (No transpose)
  • Op::Trans: apply \(H^T\) (Transpose, only allowed if the type of H is Real)
  • Op::ConjTrans: apply \(H^H\) (Conjugate transpose)
[in]directionIndicates how H is formed from a product of elementary reflectors
[in]storevIndicates how the vectors which define the elementary reflectors are stored:
[in]mThe number of rows of the matrix C.
[in]nThe number of columns of the matrix C.
[in]kThe order of the matrix T (= the number of elementary reflectors whose product defines the block reflector).
  • If side = Left, m >= k >= 0;
  • if side = Right, n >= k >= 0.
  • If storev = Columnwise:
    • if side = Left, the m-by-k matrix V, stored in an ldv-by-k array;
    • if side = Right, the n-by-k matrix V, stored in an ldv-by-k array.
  • If storev = Rowwise:
    • if side = Left, the k-by-m matrix V, stored in an ldv-by-m array;
    • if side = Right, the k-by-n matrix V, stored in an ldv-by-n array.
  • See Further Details.
[in]ldvThe leading dimension of the array V.
  • If storev = Columnwise and side = Left, ldv >= max(1,m);
  • if storev = Columnwise and side = Right, ldv >= max(1,n);
  • if storev = Rowwise, ldv >= k.
[in]TThe k-by-k matrix T, stored in an ldt-by-k array. The triangular k-by-k matrix T in the representation of the block reflector.
[in]ldtThe leading dimension of the array T. ldt >= k.
[in,out]CThe m-by-n matrix C, stored in an ldc-by-n array. On entry, the m-by-n matrix C. On exit, C is overwritten by \(H C\) or \(H^H C\) or \(C H\) or \(C H^H\).
[in]ldcThe leading dimension of the array C. ldc >= max(1,m).
Further Details

The shape of the matrix V and the storage of the vectors which define the H(i) is best illustrated by the following example with n = 5 and k = 3. The elements equal to 1 are not stored. The rest of the array is not used.

direction = Forward and          direction = Forward and
storev = Columnwise:             storev = Rowwise:

V = (  1       )                 V = (  1 v1 v1 v1 v1 )
    ( v1  1    )                     (     1 v2 v2 v2 )
    ( v1 v2  1 )                     (        1 v3 v3 )
    ( v1 v2 v3 )
    ( v1 v2 v3 )

direction = Backward and         direction = Backward and
storev = Columnwise:             storev = Rowwise:

V = ( v1 v2 v3 )                 V = ( v1 v1  1       )
    ( v1 v2 v3 )                     ( v2 v2 v2  1    )
    (  1 v2 v3 )                     ( v3 v3 v3 v3  1 )
    (     1 v3 )
    (        1 )

◆ larfg()

template<typename T >
void tlapack::legacy::larfg ( idx_t  n,
T *  alpha,
T *  x,
int_t  incx,
T *  tau 

Generates a elementary Householder reflection.

See also
larfg( idx_t, T &, T *, int_t, T & )

◆ larft()

int tlapack::legacy::larft ( direction_t  direction,
storev_t  storev,
idx_t  n,
idx_t  k,
const scalar_t V,
idx_t  ldV,
const scalar_t tau,
scalar_t T,
idx_t  ldT 

Forms the triangular factor T of a block reflector H of order n, which is defined as a product of k elementary reflectors.

          If direction = Direction::Forward, H = H_1 H_2 . . . H_k

and T is upper triangular. If direction = Direction::Backward, H = H_k . . . H_2 H_1 and T is lower triangular.

If storev = StoreV::Columnwise, the vector which defines the elementary reflector H(i) is stored in the i-th column of the array V, and

          H  =  I - V * T * V'

If storev = StoreV::Rowwise, the vector which defines the elementary reflector H(i) is stored in the i-th row of the array V, and

          H  =  I - V' * T * V

The shape of the matrix V and the storage of the vectors which define the H(i) is best illustrated by the following example with n = 5 and k = 3. The elements equal to 1 are not stored.

         direction=Direction::Forward & storev=StoreV::Columnwise

direction=Direction::Forward & storev=StoreV::Rowwise

V = ( 1 ) V = ( 1 v1 v1 v1 v1 ) ( v1 1 ) ( 1 v2 v2 v2 ) ( v1 v2 1 ) ( 1 v3 v3 ) ( v1 v2 v3 ) ( v1 v2 v3 )

direction=Direction::Backward & storev=StoreV::Columnwise direction=Direction::Backward & storev=StoreV::Rowwise

V = ( v1 v2 v3 ) V = ( v1 v1 1 ) ( v1 v2 v3 ) ( v2 v2 v2 1 ) ( 1 v2 v3 ) ( v3 v3 v3 v3 1 ) ( 1 v3 ) ( 1 )

0 if success.
-i if the ith argument is invalid.
directionSpecifies the direction in which the elementary reflectors are multiplied to form the block reflector.
storevSpecifies how the vectors which define the elementary reflectors are stored.
nThe order of the block reflector H. n >= 0.
kThe order of the triangular factor T, or the number of elementary reflectors. k >= 1.
[in]VReal matrix containing the vectors defining the elementary reflector H. If stored columnwise, V is n-by-k. If stored rowwise, V is k-by-n.
ldVColumn length of the matrix V. If stored columnwise, ldV >= n. If stored rowwise, ldV >= k.
[in]tauReal vector of length k containing the scalar factors of the elementary reflectors H.
[out]TReal matrix of size k-by-k containing the triangular factor of the block reflector. If the direction of the elementary reflectors is forward, T is upper triangular; if the direction of the elementary reflectors is backward, T is lower triangular.
ldTColumn length of the matrix T. ldT >= k.

◆ larnv()

template<typename T >
void tlapack::legacy::larnv ( idx_t  idist,
idx_t *  iseed,
idx_t  n,
T *  x 

Returns a vector of n random numbers from a uniform or normal distribution.

This implementation uses the Mersenne Twister 19937 generator (class std::mt19937), which is a Mersenne Twister pseudo-random generator of 32-bit numbers with a state size of 19937 bits.

Requires ISO C++ 2011 random number generators.

[in]idistSpecifies the distribution:
   1:  real and imaginary parts each uniform (0,1)
   2:  real and imaginary parts each uniform (-1,1)
   3:  real and imaginary parts each normal (0,1)
   4:  uniformly distributed on the disc abs(z) < 1
   5:  uniformly distributed on the circle abs(z) = 1
[in,out]iseedSeed for the random number generator. The seed is updated inside the routine ( Currently: seed_out := seed_in
  • 1 )
[in]nLength of vector x.
[out]xPointer to real vector of length n.

◆ lascl()

template<class matrixtype_t , typename T >
int tlapack::legacy::lascl ( matrixtype_t  matrixtype,
idx_t  kl,
idx_t  ku,
const real_type< T > &  b,
const real_type< T > &  a,
idx_t  m,
idx_t  n,
T *  A,
idx_t  lda 

Multiplies a matrix A by the real scalar a/b.

Multiplication of a matrix A by scalar a/b is done without over/underflow as long as the final result \(a A/b\) does not over/underflow. The parameter type specifies that A may be full, upper triangular, lower triangular, upper Hessenberg, or banded.

0 if success.
-i if the ith argument is invalid.
[in]matrixtypeSpecifies the type of matrix A.
     A is a full matrix.
     A is a lower triangular matrix.
     A is an upper triangular matrix.
     A is an upper Hessenberg matrix.
     A is a symmetric band matrix with lower bandwidth kl and upper
bandwidth ku and with the only the lower half stored. MatrixType::UpperBand: A is a symmetric band matrix with lower bandwidth kl and upper bandwidth ku and with the only the upper half stored. MatrixType::Band: A is a band matrix with lower bandwidth kl and upper bandwidth ku.
[in]klThe lower bandwidth of A, used only for banded matrix types B, Q and Z.
[in]kuThe upper bandwidth of A, used only for banded matrix types B, Q and Z.
[in]bThe denominator of the scalar a/b.
[in]aThe numerator of the scalar a/b.
[in]mThe number of rows of the matrix A. m>=0
[in]nThe number of columns of the matrix A. n>=0
[in,out]APointer to the matrix A [in/out].
[in]ldaThe column length of the matrix A.

◆ laset()

template<typename TA >
void tlapack::legacy::laset ( MatrixType  matrixtype,
idx_t  m,
idx_t  n,
TA  alpha,
TA  beta,
idx_t  lda 

Initializes a matrix to diagonal and off-diagonal values.

   'U': A is assumed to be upper triangular; elements below the
diagonal are not referenced. 'L': A is assumed to be lower triangular; elements above the diagonal are not referenced. otherwise, A is assumed to be a full matrix.
[in]mNumber of rows of A.
[in]nNumber of columns of A.
[in]alphaValue to be assigned to the off-diagonal elements of A.
[in]betaValue to assign to the diagonal elements of A.
[in]Am-by-n matrix.
[in]ldaLeading dimension of A.
See also
laset( Uplo, idx_t, idx_t, TA, TA, TA*, idx_t )

◆ lassq()

template<typename TX >
void tlapack::legacy::lassq ( idx_t  n,
TX const x,
int_t  incx,
real_type< TX > &  scl,
real_type< TX > &  sumsq 

Updates a sum of squares represented in scaled form.

\[ scl_{[OUT]}^2 sumsq_{[OUT]} = \sum_{i = 0}^n x_i^2 + scl_{[IN]}^2 sumsq_{[IN]}, \]

The value of sumsq is assumed to be non-negative.

If (scale * sqrt( sumsq )) > tbig on entry then we require: scale >= sqrt( TINY*EPS ) / sbig on entry, and if 0 < (scale * sqrt( sumsq )) < tsml on entry then we require: scale <= sqrt( HUGE ) / ssml on entry, where tbig – upper threshold for values whose square is representable; sbig – scaling constant for big numbers;

See also
constants.hpp tsmllower threshold for values whose square is representable; ssmlscaling constant for small numbers;
constants.hpp and TINY*EPS – tiniest representable number; HUGEbiggest representable number.
[in]nThe number of elements to be used from the vector x.
[in]xArray of dimension \((1+(n-1)*|incx|)\).
[in]incxThe increment between successive values of the vector x. If incx > 0, X(i*incx) = x_i for 0 <= i < n If incx < 0, X((n-i-1)*(-incx)) = x_i for 0 <= i < n If incx = 0, x isn't a vector so there is no need to call this subroutine. If you call it anyway, it will count x_0 in the vector norm n times.

◆ potrf()

template<class uplo_t , typename T >
int tlapack::legacy::potrf ( uplo_t  uplo,
idx_t  n,
T *  A,
idx_t  lda 

Computes the Cholesky factorization of a Hermitian positive definite matrix A using a blocked algorithm.

See also
potrf( uplo_t uplo, matrix_t& A, const PotrfOpts& opts = {} )

◆ potrs()

template<class uplo_t , typename T >
int tlapack::legacy::potrs ( uplo_t  uplo,
idx_t  n,
idx_t  nrhs,
const T *  A,
idx_t  lda,
T *  B,
idx_t  ldb 

Apply the Cholesky factorization to solve a linear system.

See also
potrs( uplo_t uplo, const matrixA_t& A, matrixB_t& B )

◆ ung2r()

template<typename TA , typename TT >
int tlapack::legacy::ung2r ( idx_t  m,
idx_t  n,
idx_t  k,
idx_t  lda,
const TT tau 

Generates a m-by-n matrix Q with orthogonal columns.

\[ Q = H_1 H_2 ... H_k \]

0 if success
-i if the ith argument is invalid
[in]mThe number of rows of the matrix A. m>=0
[in]nThe number of columns of the matrix A. n>=0
[in]kThe number of elementary reflectors whose product defines the matrix Q. n>=k>=0
[in,out]Am-by-n matrix. On entry, the i-th column must contains the vector which defines the elementary reflector \(H_i\), for \(i=0,1,...,k-1\), as returned by GEQRF in the first k columns of its array argument A. On exit, the m-by-n matrix \(Q = H_1 H_2 ... H_k\).
[in]ldaThe leading dimension of A. lda >= max(1,m).
[in]tauReal vector of length min(m,n). The scalar factors of the elementary reflectors.

◆ unm2r()

int tlapack::legacy::unm2r ( side_t  side,
trans_t  trans,
idx_t  m,
idx_t  n,
idx_t  k,
idx_t  lda,
const real_type< TA, TC > *  tau,
idx_t  ldc 

Applies unitary matrix Q to a matrix C.

0 if success
-i if the ith argument is invalid
[in]sideSpecifies which side Q is to be applied. 'L': apply Q or Q' from the Left; 'R': apply Q or Q' from the Right.
[in]transSpecifies whether Q or Q' is applied. 'N': No transpose, apply Q; 'T': Transpose, apply Q'.
[in]mThe number of rows of the matrix C.
[in]nThe number of columns of the matrix C.
[in]kThe number of elementary reflectors whose product defines the matrix Q. If side='L', m>=k>=0; if side='R', n>=k>=0.
[in]AMatrix containing the elementary reflectors H. If side='L', A is k-by-m; if side='R', A is k-by-n.
[in]ldaThe column length of the matrix A. ldA>=k.
[in]tauReal vector of length k containing the scalar factors of the elementary reflectors.
[in,out]Cm-by-n matrix. On exit, C is replaced by one of the following: If side='L' & trans='N': C <- Q * C If side='L' & trans='T': C <- Q'* C If side='R' & trans='T': C <- C * Q' If side='R' & trans='N': C <- C * Q
ldcThe column length the matrix C. ldC>=m.

◆ unmqr()

int tlapack::legacy::unmqr ( side_t  side,
trans_t  trans,
idx_t  m,
idx_t  n,
idx_t  k,
TA const A,
idx_t  lda,
TA const tau,
idx_t  ldc 

Multiplies the general m-by-n matrix C by Q from geqrf() using a blocked code as follows:

[in]mThe number of rows of the matrix C. m >= 0.
[in]nThe number of columns of the matrix C. n >= 0.
[in]kThe number of elementary reflectors whose product defines the matrix Q.
  • If side = Left, m >= k >= 0;
  • if side = Right, n >= k >= 0.
  • If side = Left, the m-by-k matrix A, stored in an lda-by-k array;
  • if side = Right, the n-by-k matrix A, stored in an lda-by-k array.
    The i-th column must contain the vector which defines the elementary reflector H(i), for i = 1, 2, ..., k, as returned by geqrf() in the first k columns of its array argument A.
[in]ldaThe leading dimension of the array A.
  • If side = Left, lda >= max(1,m);
  • if side = Right, lda >= max(1,n).
[in]tauThe vector tau of length k. tau[i] must contain the scalar factor of the elementary reflector H(i), as returned by geqrf().
[in,out]CThe m-by-n matrix C, stored in an ldc-by-n array. On entry, the m-by-n matrix C. On exit, C is overwritten by \(Q C\) or \(Q^H C\) or \(C Q^H\) or \(C Q\).
[in]ldcThe leading dimension of the array C. ldc >= max(1,m).
See also
unmqr( side_t side, trans_t trans, const matrixA_t& A, const tau_t& tau, matrixC_t& C, const UnmqrOpts& opts = {} )