<T>LAPACK 0.1.1
C++ Template Linear Algebra PACKage
No Matches
Todo List
Member tlapack::GesvdOpts::shapethresh
If either max(m,n)/min(m,n) is larger than shapethresh, a QR factorization is used before
Member tlapack::lasy2 (Op trans_l, Op trans_r, int isign, const matrixT_t &TL, const matrixT_t &TR, const matrixB_t &B, type_t< matrixX_t > &scale, matrixX_t &X, type_t< matrixX_t > &xnorm)
Implement for n1=2 and n2=1 or n1=1 and n2=2.
Member tlapack::lauum_recursive (const Uplo &uplo, matrix_t &C)
: implement nx to bail out of recursion before 1-by-1 case
Member tlapack::starpu::internal::codelet_init () noexcept
: Check that this is correctly initializing values to 0 and NULL
Member tlapack::trtri_recursive (uplo_t uplo, Diag diag, matrix_t &C, const EcOpts &opts={})
: implement nx to bail out of recursion before 1-by-1 case